You will have to capture pictures of 3 Guardians. For this you have to find Loone who is on the north-west of Puffer Beach.

Defeat the 3 guards and take the spheres and place them on the plates.įaron Grasslands or Faron is located on the South of Necluda, it is easy to find spot and has around 9 Shrines in the region. Look for 5 large bones and 3 pressure plates. They are Handy Pond, Rabella Wetlands and Uteh Marsh. Tawa Jin – On the top of mountains in plateau between you will have to locate three ponds.Kah Yah – Complete Quest a Fragmented Monument.Korgu Chideh – In the Southeast corner look for Eventide Island.You can glide down it from the above Muwo Jeem Shrine. Chaas Qeta – Look for a small Tenoko Island.Muwo Jeem – It is located on a mountain peak, hard to miss.Myahm Agana – Look on the top of the hill at the entrance of Hateno Village.Complete Flown the Coop – Find Cucos for Guard Cado.Complete Hetano Village – Unlock Champions Tunic.Lakna Rokee – To unlock this shrine you will have to complete various quest.You have to drop a bomb in the river, and detonate when its near to the sealed door.

Toto Sah – The shrine is inside a sealed stone structure.Daka Tuss – It is easy to find, you can locate this shrine from distance while in the eastern region.Ta’loh Naeg – It is located inside Kakariko Village.Kam Urog – Complete The Cursed Statue Shrine Quest.Shee Vaneer – Located across Shee Venath on the highest peak in the area.Ree Dahee – Look for Dueling peaks close to the river.Shee Venath – Climb up on the top of a mountain and then jump.Just find your way through Flower Maze to locate it. Hila Rao – You can find this shrine in Watch out for the Flowers from Magda Quest.Wahgo Katta – It is next to the Riverside Stable.Bosh Kala – Hylia river, near Proxim Bridge.