I am also considering distributing a sticker in the form of an ash cross that can be put in a prominent place, such as a mirror or computer screen.” “We are considering making available little packets of ashes that can be distributed along with a prayer card with an appropriate statement of the intention for the season. “For years I have been advocating the idea of people signing themselves with ashes to indicate their willing commitment to enter into the disciplines of Lent, rather than having that ‘imposed,’” said the Rev.

Some ideas include leaving ashes for people in church sending packets of ashes home having packets available for congregants to pick up and forgoing ashes completely. On-line services are planned, and creative suggestions about ashes have surfaced, many involving Ziploc bags, plastic containers, a long stick, and lots of gloves. What will the day look like? Will churches be open? Will there be the imposition of ashes? Will the imposition of ashes be safe? Will there be restrictions? Will the vaccine be available in time? The beginning of Lent 2021 is mere weeks away, raising questions about how to approach Ash Wednesday during a pandemic.